One in 30 people poo in the shower, study shows
Funny Shit
Funny Shit

One in 30 people poo in the shower, study shows

You've gotta be shitting me.
25 August 2022 2:05PM

This is taking "shit, shower, shave" to a whole nother level.

Bathroom company QS Supplies recently conducted a study, where they asked 1,000 people from America and the UK about their secret bathroom shenanigans.

And it's safe to say the results were shocking. 

The survey showed that 68% of men and 56% of women pee in the shower, and 51% of men and 28% of women masturbate in the shower. Okay these ones aren't too odd. 

But the study also revealed that one in 30 people take a dump in the shower. What the f*ck? Seriously, what the F*CK? 

To make matters worse, the people who admitted this, said that they do this in work showers. 

QS Supplies said:

So if you haven't learnt anything today, at least now you know that one in 30 people are good ol' waffle stompers. Awesome.