We rewired Rog's Vitz to honk every time he hit the brakes
The Morning Rumble
The Morning Rumble

We rewired Rog's Vitz to honk every time he hit the brakes

Mulls and Bryce's best stitch up yet.
25 August 2022 2:05PM

Bryce and Mulls (with the help of the Rock office) took Rog's keys, got a new one cut, then got his wee Vitz wired to toot everytime he hit the brakes. Bloody good stitch up.

With Dancing With The Stars practices looming over him... Rog isn't really in the frame of mind to be coping with any added stress, which made for some outstanding reactions.  

Really couldn't have gone better. 

Some of Mulls and Bryce's best work. 

Thank you to Car Tune in Ponsonby for helping us with this prank.
Check them out 8 Redmond Street in Ponsonby for doing Rog’s brakes