Comedian Jimmy Carr joined The Rumble in studio this morning, and holy shit he did not hold back.
Jimmy’s been heading around NZ on his ‘Terribly Funny’ tour, and has stopped off in New Plymouth, Whanganui, Palmy North, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill and now Auckland.
If you’re keen to head along to his last show in Auckland, snag a ticket now. He says he usually cracks anywhere from 250 to 300 jokes per show!
Straight off the bat as soon as Rog started talking on-air, Jimmy butt in to ask Rog “why are you doing that voice? That’s not how you talk” - and that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the interview.
Early on he also asks the question, “do you need four people for this? At least two of you could go.”
Naturally, Bryce asked who out of the four of them should get the cut.
His answer? ‘Mr Charisma’ and ‘the guy in the green’ - Bryce and Mulls. (We’d pick them too.)
Not only did Jimmy waste no time with ripping out The Rumble, but also ripped out the name of our station and even the ads we play.
It wasn’t all jokes though - Jimmy also talked about his love for going to the regions around NZ, having fun with hecklers and the scary moment when a person in the crowd tried to stab Dave Chapelle.
Jimmy was truly a pleasure to have a yarn and a laugh with.
Have a watch of the full chat up top, or have a listen below.