'How thick are you?': Rog tries to pronounce different words and fails miserably
The Morning Rumble
The Morning Rumble

'How thick are you?': Rog tries to pronounce different words and fails miserably

Oh, Rogee..

Rog has been a professional broadcaster for three decades - yet he still struggles to talk sometimes.

A couple of weeks ago, Rog told us he'd made 'quizadillas' for dinner... he meant quesadillas, but had no idea how to pronounce the word.

So we decided to do a little quiz called 'Can Rog Pronounce it?', where we held up different food words to see if Rog could pronounce them. 

To be fair to Rogee, he did get some right... But he also got a lot wrong. So we put his incorrect answers into a mini montage, to bring you the below video. Check it out for a laugh. 

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