Rog reckons he's in his 'peak sexy' stage and Mel absolutely loses her shit
The Morning Rumble
The Morning Rumble

Rog reckons he's in his 'peak sexy' stage and Mel absolutely loses her shit

Rog reckons the length of his hair is currently in its best stage.

Bryce recently had the realisation that Rog has had the exact same lid for over 30 years.

Sure, his hair's thinned and dropped off a bit over the years, but he's rocked a two-all-over for a bloody long time. 

Rog said his wife Lis prefers his hair shorter, apparently she says it makes him look "younger and better" and "takes years off" him. (Bullshit).

Rog even went as far as to say that he's in his 'peak sexy' stage currently with the length of his hair. 

Mel absolutely lost her shit the whole chat, have a watch below. 

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