Our web team is disgusted in Bryce after he dribbled onto the floor in front of them
The Morning Rumble
The Morning Rumble

Our web team is disgusted in Bryce after he dribbled onto the floor in front of them

"It was so rank" - our web girl Raynor.

We’ve always known that Bryce is a bit of a dribbler, but our digital department has learnt that the hard way after experiencing it first hand. 

Our web girl Raynor recounted Bryce waltzing over to the digital area at work on Friday, before striking up some sharn with about eight or nine ladies. 

As he opened his mouth to speak, a massive strand of saliva left his mouth, dribbled down his shirt, and splattered onto the floor. Humiliating. 

What’s worse? We have photographic evidence. 

Have a watch below.

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