Ever go to Bunnings or Mitre 10 and come home with something completely different than what you went there for?
Well, never like this.
Australian girl, Leesh Cunningham (26), posted a video to TikTok (of course) saying she's given up using dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, and opted for a more traditional approach to find a man instead.
Instead of snagging a saus, she was trying to snag a bloke in the trade section.
But after patrolling the gardening, painting and plumbing aisles Leesh had no luck, saying it was "drier than the Sahara desert in here".
She gave it another crack, this time with a sign that read "Wanted: Looking For A Husband" complete with tearable phone numbers.
Unfortunately for her, she found no man and no love at Bunnings on both visits. Although, she has ticked over 150,000 views and become a viral "celebrity" with her DMs blowing up - call us pessimists, but it's probably really the only thing she was looking for in the first place.
Ah well all the best mate.