Jay spent the weekend away in Aussie with two of his closest mates. Here are the rules they lived by while on their holiday, the purpose of these rules being to make them better people.
Mindfulness - Show gratitude to not only all 3 lads but gratitude to strangers, activities & travel. Not everyone is in the postion to travel & do cool shit. Be thankful & show it.
Compliments / Good Deed - Each day, you must tell the other 2 an honest compliment & look in their eyes & mean it. Also to a stranger. Don't take the piss. Must be genuine. This can be a good deed also. For example - Helping someone with their bag.
Cold showers only. No hot. Honesty here.
WHM breathing - Every morning. No excuse.
Group hug + individual before every outing. Must include or along the lines- " Love ya brother / Proud of you/ I respect you brother."
Raw, open & honesty between the boys. Conversations had, there is no holding back. No judgement. We are here to grow & become better men. What is spoken on this weekend remains with the boys.
Show our women love & gratitude. Every morning send your girl a compliment or gesture or love. No dick picks. This can be spoken about with the boys... or not.
Monday morning sunrise activity - this will be completed with full open floor. Nothing off limits. Again, what is spoken about on this weekend remains between us. This activity will be completed with the fundamentals of why this trip came about. At ALTITUDE with our best ATTITUDE.
Remember, as we get older & busier with further responsibilities in our lives. Time becomes scarce. This is an opportunity we may not ever get again to share as us 3. Make the most of it. We will be better people, husbands / partners & better friends after this.