'Like drinking from a fire hose': These listener phrases need to catch on
Rock Drive
Rock Drive

'Like drinking from a fire hose': These listener phrases need to catch on

For example, "green ice-cream" means "it's mint bro."

Jay and Dunc asked listeners to send in phrases that they've made up - and honestly, a lot of these just make sense.

Check out a list of them below, and have a watch of Jay and Dunc rattling through them...

"Bing Bong" - Anything or anyone

"It's green ice-cream" - "It's f**king mint bro" 

"I'm lickin' what you're shittin'" - I'm picking up what you're putting down

"And that" - Can be placed anywhere in any sentence

"Less hui, more doi" - A phrase used to tell a useless bloke to "shut up" and do his job

"Jo Slinker" - A slow drinker

"Like drinking from a fire hose" - Trying to absorb lots of information quickly

"Mango" - Used instead of the word "mint" - good at shutting people up.

"An issue, not an issme" - Used when an issue is very much a them problem, not a you problem.

Reckon any of these will catch on?