'I caught a tusk to the groin area': Pig hunting gone wrong
The Morning Rumble
The Morning Rumble

'I caught a tusk to the groin area': Pig hunting gone wrong

"Sat on it, rolled it over, stuck it, dead. You beauty." šŸ·šŸ¤£
31 August 2022 9:39AM

Listener Liam told us about the time he went pig hunting, and it went slightly wrong.

Pig hunting gone wrong...
Pig hunting gone wrong...
00:00 / 00:59

He ended up catching a 'tusk to the groin area' from the pig, just missing the ol' jewles and the main artery of his leg. 

He ripped it out of his legs, and the pig locked onto his his thumb, breaking it. 

And then, the quote of the year... "Sat on it, rolled it over, stuck it, dead. You beauty."

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