One of the crookest yarns you'll hear that will definitely make you think twice about drinking from a punch bowl.
We threw out the topic "when have you been punched by a punch bowl?", and Matty called up and delivered one of the most hectic and disgusting yarns involving a punch bowl we've ever heard.
If you got a weak stomach, this is your warning. And we'll let Matty explain it, in his words.
At my sister's 21st, I spewed in the punch bowl.
Straight to the point, no faffing about. We like his style.
I'm not too sure how long people were drinking it after I spewed in the punch bowl.
Ok hold up. So not only did he spew in the communal drink, he also didn't do anything about it and just left it there.
They only stopped when they discovered some chewed-up cheerios in it.
So we ended up tipping it down the laundry sink, and all the bits of chunky fruit and cheerios blocked the sink.
Great. But easy enough to clean up and get sorted before anyone finds out, right?
So the next day when my mum was doing some laundry, it blocked the sink and flooded the house.
This was when Mulls promptly farewelled Matty and hung up the phone.
Take care of yourselves, New Zealand.