We always knew it, but Mel has definitely just confirmed that she's the most talented Morning Rumble member.
Every Friday, we head back to the days of the old school yard where The Morning Rumble members seek redemption...
First up was Bryce, who lied to his 5 year old son saying he used to be able to karate chop wood when he was a school kid. That was an absolute sharn, but Bryce managed to redeem himself by becoming Kung-Fu Casey and succesfully doing the karate chop.
Next was Rog, who joined members of a Barbershop chorus to redeem himself for his school choir days. He performed Billy Joel's 'The Longest Time' and it was pretty bloody good.
Then it was Mulls' turn to redeem himself. He screwed up his highschool basketball finals, so he attempted to redeem himself in a 1V1 against NZ Breaker Sam Timmins. Key word: attempted.
Which means this Friday is Mel's turn to redeem herself by performing a song on the piano, after she accidentally missed her piano recital as a kid.
Mel wanted to have a warm up before the big day on Friday, so she performed a song she used to play as a kid, Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On.'
And she absolutely crushed it.
If this is just Mel's practice, we're bloody excited to see how she's gonna go on Friday.
Missed anything from The Morning Rumble that you wanna catch up with? Check out The Morning Rumble Catch Up Podcast here.
Plus, have a geeze at all their latest videos here.