Rog's rat surprise..
Rog's rat surprise..
00:00 / 02:51
The Morning Rumble

Rog loses it and drops an f bomb live on air after we surprise him with two rats

"I am really off this, Ryan."

Rog just absolutely lost his shit this morning, after we surprised him with a couple of cute little rats.

All week, we've been raising each member of The Morning Rumble's heartrate to give you the chance to win tickets to see Kevin Hart live in NZ.

We started by showing Mulls KFC, Bryce a video of the Hurricanes, and Mel some weird videos of Rog. All three of their heartrates were considerably raised, but none as high as Rog's got this morning. 

Our mates at Misty's Mischief Rattery brought in two rat brothers - Finley and Comits, and we blindfolded Rog.

As soon as Rog's blindfold came off, he absolutely lost it. Have a watch of the vid up top.

Missed anything from The Morning Rumble that you wanna catch up with? Check out The Morning Rumble Catch Up Podcast here.

Plus, have a geeze at all their latest videos here