UK rugby lad gets impaled by sideline flagpole and there’s footage to prove he's a tough bugger
Rock News
Rock News

UK rugby lad gets impaled by sideline flagpole and there’s footage to prove he's a tough bugger

“That’s apoleing stuff right there."

One UK rugby league player was getting stuck into the game only to be outdone by the corner flag, which got stuck into him. 

According to TotalRL, after an attempted try-saving tackle for his Salford Red Devils academy team, Charles Hughes found himself impaled. Footage posted to Instagram by Sportswankers shows Hughes on a stretcher in hospital with the flag still sticking out of his thigh. 

“Wigan RFC player tackled the opposition winger into touch,” the caption reads. “They collided with the touchline flag, the flag shattered into pieces, debris flew up into the air and then impaled the lad”. 

They add that the tough bastard is “recovering and doing well”. With this news in hand, commenters popped off jokes. 

“If it was a football player this would have been filmed from the morgue,” wrote one punter. 

“You cannot sit there mate,” another mused. 

“FFS, you can tell he’s a back,” a jokester bantered. “Every forward pulls it out and joins the lineout!”

“That’s apoleing stuff right there,” a genius commented. 

“If nobody blew in that pipe to blow him up, missed opportunity,” one gruesome bugger wrote. 

Since we’re talking about being in hospital with stuff in their body that definitely shouldn’t be there, earlier this year some bloke had to get a WW2 artillery shell removed from his arse

The 88-year-old went to Hospital Sainte Musse in Toulon to get the shell removed but ended up causing a bomb scare and a segment of the hospital had to be evacuated, Var-Matin reports. 

Bomb disposal experts were called to the hospital and determined there was little possibility of the shell actually exploding inside the man as the shell was a collector’s item used by the French military in WWI. 

I leave you with an important question: Would you rather have a pole impaled in your thigh or an unexploded bomb up you?