If The Rumble were in political parties, what would their policies be?
The Morning Rumble
The Morning Rumble

If The Rumble were in political parties, what would their policies be?

Imagine if The Morning Rumble members were in political parties...
4 October 2023 1:59PM

Imagine if The Morning Rumble members were in political parties...

It's a scary thought, but Rog, Mulls, Mel and Bryce have all thought of some policies that they would implement if they ever had the power to do so. Check them out below.

Rog's Policy: The more money you earn, the less tax you pay

Very on brand for Rog, who reckons he's paid "far too much" tax his whole life.

Mulls' Policy: Free KFC once a month*

*But you only recieve your KFC voucher each month if you watch Crowd Goes Wild at 7pm on Mondays and Thursdays, and listen to The Sporting Rumble. 

Mel's Policy: No bras

"Imagine just being free... happiness" was Mel's explanation for the policy.

Bryce's Policy: Every radio station is cancelled except The Rock

So that every kiwi has to listen to The Rock, and Bryce gets a pay rise.

Bryce's second Policy: No more hair

Every man will be made to go bald so they're on an even playing field with Bryce, Mulls and Rog.

Bryce's Third Policy: A four day working week for all*

*Except Rog and Mulls, who must work seven days a week.